Shark Tank - House of Business


Students from the House-of-Business Program were given the opportunity to present their ideas to a group of seasoned professionals, in a setting inspired by the “Shark Tank” TV show.

Their challenge was to develop a business concept that was not only viable but also sustainable, incorporating one or more Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.

Among the panel of experienced professionals, founders, and CEOs, Denise stood out as a critical panelist. She delved into key aspects of financing, feasibility, and sustainability in her questioning.

Denise's insightful questions and feedback were instrumental in guiding the students toward understanding the delicate balance between making a profit and adhering to social and environmental responsibilities.

Her involvement highlighted the significance of weaving ethical considerations into the fabric of their business plans, providing the students with a real-world perspective on the complexities and benefits of building sustainable businesses.

Through this process, Denise didn’t just assess their proposals; she also shared valuable lessons on the principles of responsible business ownership and the importance of staying true to your calling in any business endeavor.